Weed in Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam
If you ever find yourself in a city as culturally diverse and wealthy as hemp or weed in Ho Chi Minh, you’ll almost certainly want to light up a herb. In Vietnam, the rules against weed smoking and trade are extremely severe. However, the country is currently dealing with more significant issues than hemp, such as opium and heroin epidemics. If you smoke pot in your hotel room, you’ll probably be fine, but don’t do it in crowded areas.
Hemp Laws in Ho Chi Minh

Hemp control and laws are quite harsh, and the herb is completely against the law. Many people have been arrested for holding a few grams of pot, according to sources on the internet. Because police pay are low, there is a significant problem with corruption. If the cops catch you with pot or doing something illegal, there’s a good chance you’ll be able to resolve the case with a bribe. But don’t hold your breath.
Where to Get Weed in Vietnam
Ho Chi Minh City is a popular spot for many westerners who have decided to move there. Your greatest bet is to meet someone from a western country who is temporarily residing in the city. These people are typically willing to help you or know someone who can. Another option is to ask taxi drivers for the herb. It’s not a good idea because you can get taken advantage of. When asking for pot on the street, be cautious since you never know whether an undercover cop is nearby.
Hemp Prices in Ho Chi Minh

For $5–10, you can obtain about 5 grams. The amount will be determined by the people, but don’t expect it to be of great quality. In terms of hemp, Vietnam is no different than other Southeast Asian countries, so expect to smoke low-quality weed while you’re there.
In Ho Chi Minh, smoking and having hemp is strictly against the law, and the police are corrupt. When looking for a herb on the street, be cautious. The weed is of terrible quality, but you get a good amount at a very low price.