Get Weed in Bordeaux, France

Weed in Bordeaux

Find Weed in Bordeaux

Where to get weed or hemp in Bordeaux, France.  This Garonne River port city known for its wine, but it has much more to offer. Bordeaux is one of France’s most beautiful cities, with a rich history and stunning architecture to match. Fans of fine wine and cuisine will feel right at home, and what better way to discover Bordeaux than by smoking a joint? Because pot is so common in Bordeaux, getting weed or hash shouldn’t be too difficult in Bordeaux, France.
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Hemp laws in France- Hemp Laws in Bordeaux

Weed, hemp or cannabis in Bordeaux, France

Is weed legal in Bordeaux. Hemp is still illegal in France, despite the fact that it is one of the countries in Europe with the highest number of hemp users. You might expect a fine of 150-200 euros if you are caught with a tiny amount of weed or hash on you. Selling, cultivating, and transporting hemp are all significant offenses that can get you in serious trouble, including prison.

France has become increasingly permissive of hemp in recent years. The fees were drastically reduced in 2016, and it is now extremely unheard of to go to prison for carrying pot. In the form of drug-using cannabinoids, France also has authorized medicinal hemp.
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How and Where to get Weed in Bordeaux

Weed, hemp or cannabis in Bordeaux, France

If you are not a native of Bordeaux or do not know anyone in Bordeaux, you will have to rely on street traffickers to get weed in Bordeaux. The Spot de la Victorie, a popular plaza in the city for both tourists and locals, is a fantastic place to start looking. It is a major public transit hub that is also close to the University. Usually, there are dealers strolling around. It is easy to get weed and hash in Bordeaux, since it is widely available. But the quality varies greatly from one dealer to the next. Hence always make sure to inspect the quality before concluding the transaction.
Kindly share your opinion on how you managed to get hemp in Bordeaux in the comment below.

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