Get Weed in Salzburg, Austria

Weed in Salzburg

Find weed in Salzburg, Austria

“Salt Castle” is the meaning of the name Salzburg (Latin: Salis Burgium). The name comes from the salt-carrying boats on the Salzach River, which had to pay a toll in the 8th century, as was usual for many townships and cities along European rivers. Salzburg is Austria’s fourth and, arguably, most attractive city. The city is full of palaces to explore from a lofty vantage point. Hence getting little hemp or weed, you’ll have a great time in Salzburg. Read our travel guide blog to get an exclusive guide and tips on hemp laws and how to find weed in Austria.

Hemp laws in Austria – Hemp in Salzburg

Weed or hemp in Salzburg, Austria

Is weed or hemp legal in Salzburg? Austria is a rather moderate and forward-thinking nation in Europe. It should thus not be amazed that there are not many strict hemp laws. However, be aware that Salzburg’s police and residents might not be as understanding as those in Vienna. Since 2016, Austria no longer bans the holding of small amounts of weed. This shows that the only payment you may make is a fine. However, it is up to the authorities in Salzburg to determine what makes a modest amount for personal use, so how you behave and how the weed is package is crucial. Even if each baggie contains only a little amount of weed, avoid carrying lots of them.

It’s critical to remember that, despite Austria’s high level of tolerance for weed, the drug is still illegal. Try to refrain from smoking weed in public to avoid the fines, which may be rather costly in Salzburg.

How and Where to get weed in Salzburg, Austria

Weed or hemp in Salzburg, Austria

If you don’t know anybody in Salzburg, getting weed might be rather challenging. Hemp culture is not particularly flourishing there and the city is not very big. Unmatured seeds and plants are available for purchase. Although there are numerous home growers, most of them only sell to their close friends and seldom to tourists. You will need to hunt for a street drug dealer if no local can assist you in finding weed in Salzburg. Late at night, near the station, and around the bridges is where you may find them. However, the hemp is of poor quality, and high chances of you being rip off by street dealers. So always make sure you inspect the weed before separating with the dealer.

Don’t forget to drop your comments on how you managed to get weed in Salzburg below.

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